Thursday 11 June 2009

Dreams: 11.06.2009

Nicotine patch affect? (I'm on quiting smoking second time since a few days)
I am enjoying the ever so vivid and weird dreams recently and thought I have to make a record of it sicne my dream diary notebook has been neglected for awhile now..
I was told I'd have nightmaes by a nurse if I'm on 24 hour patch which I was very excited about, I love nightmares, the kind of zombies, the end of the world, cliff, running, etc not the kind like work, numbers..

First I remember..
I was waiting for a friend (old friend I haven't seen for 10 years) who was going on a trip with me and some others in a station-like place, I was holding coffee and cup of water and struggling to hold all and text/call her to check where she is, the departure time is approaching and need to board.
The time came so I departed without her but later found her with my other friends in the big stadium (concert of ancient building?) and she came to greet me kissing on cheeks and apologized for her lateness and benig unable to be contacted. She says she "in in a deep shit something relating with some guys and a pistol"
I get pissed off and frustrated because I was worried for her arrival and trying to make sure the trip goes ok for us all but I was the last person to see her and others already appeared to know the situation about her.
I think, "Ok she's been chased by mafia guys and is on the run."
We arrive at a stunningly beautiful shore, a tropical island, clean blue water and lots of beautiful fish amaze me (one jellyfish meets prawn like creature in the shallow water and some colourful fish).

Second part..
I am at home in Japan with mom and brother. I need to go to the toilet, so I go there but find out whole toilet or the house is filled with water, so I can't flush the loo but it mixes with the water inside. I feel floating in it.
When I come out I see 2 guys are trying to break into out house, mom's gone somewhere, I hid myself by the door (wooden big one with glass window by it-in real life too-) and check the chain is down on the door. I gesture my brother that they're burglers. they're now by the other side of the door talking and checking how to break in.
I think about calling the police immediately, my brother comes on the other side of the door from me to hide, he brings a gun (toy gun but can be fatal..with wooden bullets) and aims at them through the door. I panic.
And as he shoots them, I run amock and grab a phone (cordless luckily!) and run into the next door neighbour's garden as I dial 199 (not sure why 199, not 999) and the line reaches a woman in (police officer) a too relaxed tone. I tell her the address and ask for an amburance and police right now. She asks about the situation and I get frustrated for her slow tone. I want to hide until the police comes in case I get killed before but worry about my brother and feel coward for running off.
I can't seem to find a perfect place to hide and wait, so I go as far as to the medic centre (200m away) and as I make my way back to the house to check what's going on now and bump into the 2 burglers who are looking sheepish both in bandaged arms (they were shot by my brother with wooden bullets) and almost apologize me for coming back to our house to burgle (they burgled before!), and my brother defends them. I am still angry, so I try to remember their stupid faces so I can sue them.

Third part.. complete crystal crisp beauty dream
Our home in Japan moved to some urban house, only in a very high altitude place, almost like heaven, things are white, clean, floating feeling..
We are having a dinner party, my mom cooked so beautiful, refined food, there are several guests all around the garden. I want to take some good photos of the food and the party, already imagining the images of it as pictures in my head and I run to the old house to grab my camera kit.
I have to walk through small town, all this place is such a transparent, clean, crisp, afresh, white world (as I imagine heaven would be) the old house is on the top of a building (open plan roof top apartment) and some guys are working to repair a lift, for a minute I panic thinking I can't reach there without it, but soon I find out I could use the staircase. I run up to the top and find my camera bag. I see some people are hanging about but I know the stuff we left in the old house is safe somehow.. I see Alfonso there noticing me but I have no time so go back to the new house.
The journey is lovely, this is a crisp crystal frozen world and as I walk, I took some frozen leaves off the road, little triangle-ish pale purple leaves coated in thin ice snaps in my hands (still remember this feel now!) almost like a mini electric shock and I enjoy this.
I see frozen water reed/grass growing from a pond I pass by. Beautiful pale green with round pointy frozen ice on top of each grass.
Place changes, and I am on the way to somewhere I have to go. It's like Alps here, beautiful huge mountains, very BIG and clear air. There is a big cable car going between mountains surprisingly so many people like a commuting train. I try to get on with a woman who is also on her way hurriedly. I find my space on the very back of the car, it's full of people, about 40-50 of them.

I don't remember the rest...

I do my own analysist on my dreams and I often see the fragment of reality parts which happened to me recently or things I saw/thought.. but I don't believe in connecting too general keywords in trying to read the meaning, in fact, I don't quite believe in having meanings in dreams.
For this dream,
I was holding drinks and struggling: maybe because I had a nice dinner with a friend the night before and our table was full, and one point I was worried about empty glasses staying by the edge of the table.
being frustrated: I had been sometime recently for having to organize schedules with lots of people but some didn't go so smooth and I got very tired.
Tropical island: my recent trip to Spain? fish: my recent fish eating in Spain?
leaves/grass: maybe I had to sit on the grass by a tree for a bit the night before for being a bit ill?
cable car: maybe a reflection of London tube strike happening right now, for having to change my route to work. (but greatly enjoying this different journey to my usual :)

Who knows?
I love dreaming, dreaming is like being in a cinema, dreaming is like letting all my soul free and watch some stories, dreams are like finding my little pieces that is stored in my millions of mind drawers, I cherish every one of them.


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