Monday, 11 October 2010

Autumn day wander: Hampstead Heath and mushrooms

After many rainy days in London, it has been lovely sunny days are upon us.
No wonder I found so many different kinds of mushrooms today on Hampstead Heath when I just popped out for a walk. Within 30 minutes of looking around casually, I found and collected at least 10 kinds. I wish I was with a mushroom specialist so I know which one to pick and cook and which ones to avoid, and which ones could take me to a special place ;)
I picked this much today (I didn't dare to touch some others..)
The most amazing discovery was not the fairytale/Snow White world's red with white spots mushroom on heath (see image), but this weird white egg jelly mushroom I found. 
Fly Agaric

The most weirdest and bizzare kind.. I didn't dare touch it with my bare hand, but with a wooden stick, the egg like mushroom, looks like a big normal kind we eat commonly but without any visible stem, looks like a big round pouched egg. This egg like mushroom is very soft (like, again pouched egg) as it has this jelly inside this outer shell, then a hard white core. This, seems to grow a long asparagas looking white mushroom which is airy light and in fact looks like Aero choc bar for its bubbly texture. (See image, broken egg like base with the long mushroom take apart next to each other)
Does anyone have any slightest idea what this mushroom is?! I'm very curious..

jelly like inside
long mushroom stems from this egg like base

 I absolutely adore the heath, and it is the top 1 reason why I love my area, walking in 20 minutes through amazing shops and the feel of English country is priceless.
Brough house was closed so I had yummy coffee and chocolate carrot cake (total yum) in Ginger and White, then went for a walk on heath for an hour or so to enjoy the quiet autumn day.
perfection latte at Ginger and White

The days are getting shorter, so before I complain and moan whole winter, it is a good reason to get up early and get out to get as much sun/light as possible.


lupe said...

wow what a bounty you found! what a great day on the heath! i'm no mushroom expert but think i've seen some pics of stinkhorns that look a lot like that last one you found - look for some pics, also this is about the family, the Phallaceae!

s h o k o i s h i k a w a said...

Yes you're right about Stinkhorn, I mailed my friend who told me the name and the funny story that in old times nuns destroyed them because of its phallic look! Can you imagine if they get the splash from the jell when they stamp this eggy shell?!