I had a dream, greatly influenced by the book I'm reading now, "Black Rain" by Masuji Ibuse, a fiction about Hiroshima Bomb based on historical accord of the nu-clear bomb attack in Hiroshima.
I was first having a peaceful picnic in a big forest and there were many people and family having a nice picnic day. I am with a friend I don't remember who now, walking around the field and find some military people patrolling and I suddenly feel uneasy about the air.
When I come back to where we were sitting, there are bits of many things left from people's picnic stuff, a cardigan, a sitting blanket, a bottle of wine, water, sandwiches, fruits etc abandoned so suddenly and everyone had vanished, it was very ghosty scene.
I find a woman who was sitting only in her underwear, she can't find a dress she was wearing, looking very vacant and perplexed.
Next thing I know, I was injured all my skin, burned so it was swollen and red with fresh water blisters, and along with many other people (from the picnic scene) I was forced to walk through a big building from room to room. I was forced to dip in a hot bath which only worsen my skin wound and I get scared but I am more scared by the guards who watch over us to make sure we all obey the orders. I come across my old friend Kano, who had just come out from the bath, all her skin so red and inflamed, she said hi to me but she had this vacant sad look in her eyes, surrendering to the situation she had been placed. (no defense but accept and obey)
I try to watch what's going on here and see if there is a chance I could escape, but no hope there, I'm just too scared so I try not to stand out and follow the sad crowd.
I feel a strong gut that tells me I miss and love Hiroshima where my mother is from and most of her side relatives all experienced the bomb. I spent my childhood summer holiday there listening to the temple's bells on the 6th of August at 8:15AM (the time the bomb struck) annually when everyone gives a minute silent pray and everything becomes stand-still for it. I spent the hot summer days in my little room in my grand parents house reading "Hadashi no Gen"("Barefoot Gen" now translated in English and I greatly recommend a read and was made into Anime TV series too here is a part-*warning:pretty shocking content-) cartoon about a boy who survived the bomb but witness so many agony in people who were left in a burning Hiroshima where lots of blackened bodies lay and people barely alive with their skin all hanging wander unconsciously.
All those people who survived and had so many stories are now dying after 64 years on now, strange it may be but not just an accord of the Hiroshima bomb but purely for the meaning of being one Japanese national I feel I have to know more about the history and the roots of myself.
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