We say hi to the border control women officers who were dressed in thick uniform and looked stern. One of the women says "Genki desuka?" (Japanese meaning "How are you?") to us as we passed by, to this my mom went more scared whispering to me "No..they will be spying on us and will get us!" and started walking very fast.
I whisper back "No, lots of people speak a bit of Japanese nowadays and nothing unusual, especially immigration people.." but she didn't listen and her walking turned into running grabbing my arm in her arm so we are now running fast.
There was no one in the sight but dim dark twilight and fields and fields of nothingness.
The only small road we were on became a steep downhill and at this point our speed was so fast I was very scared but couldn't stop like a broken bicycle.
At the top of the speed, we spot a group of wild horses coming towards us running furiously, we would crush, so I hold my mom tight and forced to come off the road before we crush.

We rolled over a few time into the side of the road and feel some parts of my mom breaking like a plastic doll in my arms.
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